Camino Amigos

Someone once shared that a friend of theirs found walking a camino “the most boring hike ever. I suggested that it wasnt actually a hike and if you didn’t have a spiritual side, it would be boring indeed.

A camino is about an experience and has everything to do with the people you meet and connect with. Like Marie from Montreal, who agreed to clean and repair my blistered (and stinky) feet. Or the three German pilgrims, who accompanied me to the hospital so between us we would .are sure we understood the nurses. Or the hospitalaro (albergue manager) who allowed me to stay two extra nights in Zafra to allow my blisters to heal, and brought me a pot of tea with cookies every morning. Or Dorotea from Germany, who made breakfast and walked behind me to see and adjust my pack straps so it no longer tilted to one side.

Yesterday, I arrived in Galestea to find all of the cheaper accommodations booked up. So I paid a fairly high price for a room with two beds even though I had no one to share it. About an hour later, I was heading into town and met Martin from Germany, who was unable to find a bed. I offered him my extra bed. In return, he made a spaghetti supper for us and we invited another pilgrim, Wilhelm from Holland. As we sat around the table telling stories, I pointed to the three of us and said, “this is the camino, afellowship of travellers. “


2 thoughts on “Camino Amigos”

  1. Hi Ken
    This last post says everything I love about walking the Caminos. We hope to rejoin that fellowship next spring.
    Elaine and Warner

  2. It’s like the early part of the trail physically has prepared you for the latter part of the trail, spiritually. There is nothing coincidental for those that have been bought by the blood of the lamb…keep trekking and blogging my friend

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